Sunday, September 10, 2006

Billionaires Defend Dick Cheney!

Dick Cheney spoke at a GOP fundraiser honoring GOP money-raising machine Dick Egan on Friday. We Billionaire showed up because we knew the hoi polloi would be there whining about Dick's war record, his energy policies, his war policies and his general popularity. They are so jealous!

Here, Lee Vemhangen (center) leads the chanting and draws media attention away from the great unwashed. And it worked! At least the Harvard Crimson noticed (and really, if the Harvard paper notices you, what else do you need?!).

Right to left: Nola S. Belle (behind photographer), O. Al Barron, Lee Vemhangen, Austin Tayshun, Miss Piggy S. Calade, Mona Poli's hand.

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